25 November 2007
Meaning of Argala (Continued)
10 October 2007
Meaning of ARGALA
In addition to the influence caused by planets with graha drishti and rasi drishti, there is another influence called “Argala”. Argala is a very important concept in Vedic astrology. Argala on a house shows the influences that intervene in its affairs, decide some parts of it and close the bolt on it, so to speak. Planet having rasi drishti have a small influence. Planets having graha drishti have a more concrete influence. Planets with argala simply decide some parts of the matter signified by the house. The influence caused by argala is decisive.
A planet or house in the 2nd, 4th and 11th houses from a planet or house causes primary argala on the latter. Argala by a benefic planet is called a “subhaargala” (benefic intervention) and argala by a malefic planet is called a “paapaargala” (malefic intervention). This simple concept can be better appreciated if some examples are given.
The 4th house stands for education. The 2nd, 4th and 11th from the 4th house are 5th, 7th and 2nd houses respectively. One’s intelligence (5th), interaction with others (7th) and and overall character and samskara (2nd) make or break one education. If Jupiter is in 5th house, he will give intelligence and his subhargala (benefic intervention) on 4th will help one’s education. If Rahu is in 5th house, his papargala (malefic intervention) on 4th will cause obstacles in one’s education by way of poor intelligence. Similarly, benefics and malefics in the houses causing argala cause good and bad intervention. Basically, the point is that intelligence, interaction and samskara are the things that decide one’s education. They have a decisive role.
Let us take another example. Short journeys are seen from the 3rd house. What are the things necessary for a journey? One needs a vehicle (4th). One may need someone to serve one by driving the vehicle. Servants are seen from 6th. So, no wonder the 4th and 6th houses cause argala on the 3rd house, being the 2nd and 4th from it respectively! If one has papargala on 3rd from 4th, it may show trouble to the journey because of the vehicle. If one has papargala on 3rd from 6th, it may show trouble to the journey because of the driver.
Let us take another example. Domestic harmony, comfort, well-being and happiness are seen from the 4th house. What are the things that can make or break domestic harmony? Of course, wife, children and other family members! Each of them can intervene in one’s domestic harmony. No wonder the 5th, 7th and 2nd houses have an argala on the 4th house (being the 2nd, 4th and 11th respectively from the 4th house)! If a malefic in 5th has papargala on 4th, it may show domestic clashes and lack of sukha (comfort/happiness) on account of a child. If a benefic in 7th has subhargala on on 4th, it may show domestic happiness due to a caring partner.
Apart from the 2nd, 4th and 11th houses from a house, the 5th house from a house has a secondary argala on it. In the case of learning, argala of 8th house on 4th (8th is the 5th from 4th) shows the influence of hard work in learning. Hard work is another decider. In the case of journey, argala of 7th house on 3rd house (7th is the 5th from 3rd) shows the influence of partners in a journey.
To Be Continued ......
11 September 2007
Marriage and Seventh House Lord's Placement Details
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Ascendant
As the 7th lord is in the ascendant, the native will marry an acquaintance . They are of wavering minds and do not stand firm on their words & actions. They are quite flexible and not at all domineering. They are adepts at finding out escape routes from critical situations. They will get a cordially disposed spouse as the seventh lord is well placed. Their public relations will be good.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Second House
As the 7th lord is in the 2nd, the native will find inordinate wealth & prosperity after marriage. As a result they will be beseiged by problems caused by those who become enemies due to jealousy. They may be subject to ordeals by fire & will have to face Govt enquiries and litigation. They will hate their fate & the people who caused them. Ultimately they emerge graceful & successful.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Third House
As the 7th lord is in the 3rd, the native may have to bear losses on account of the upbringing of children.Their daughter will bring them better luck. Their mental image of their partner is that of a loving and endearing personalilty. They are adepts at mental gymnastics as they weigh everything & sort out things using a cool and analytical intellect.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Fourth House
As the 7th lord is in 4th, the native will have a lucky partner who gives a satisfactory married life with children & comforts.They are not the type to enforce their ideas on their partner. They are noble that way and they are good friends always & remain that way forever.If difference of opinion surfaces they clear it out with rapproachment and maintain harmony. Domestic life is built upon the rock in their case.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Fifth House
As the 7th lord is in 5th, a rich partner is indicated. They will achieve respectability and a majestic position in life. They are born salesmen & shine in marketing . They perform well in jobs where the gift of the gab and travelling are required . Their proper mindset and social skills pave the way for their progress and achievement in life.
As the 7th lord is in the 6th, marital happiness is under threat. Their partner's constitution may not be at par with theirs. If they dont test the patience of partner with too much demands / questions everything will go smoothly between them. They will have to incorporate patience & perseverance which ultimately yields good return. Their spouse becomes too sickly & jealous when they demand too much.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Seventh House
As the 7th lord is in the 7th, the native will be endowed with personal magnetism. They will have indomitable courage, skill & high I Q. Members of the opposite sex will be attracted to them in no mean measure for temporary / lasting relationships. They both preserve their youth & cheer & behave more or less like children for their mutual amusement. Their spouse in fact is far more realistic and practical as every situation is analysed calmly & coolly.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Eighth House
As the 7th lord is in 8th, marriage will be with someone known to them earlier. Their luck is after marriage. They will be influenced by their spouse who will be far more mundane than them. They will find it difficult to fool their spouse for long as the partner happens to be too clever. Their next uneasy behaviour will let them down. Beware of clashes with partner which may lead to chaos.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Ninth House
As the 7th lord is in the 9th, the native will do well with their spouse They will be unorthodox by nature and with diverse interests. They will be known for their versatility & will be able to concentrate on many fields. They feel that time wasted is life wasted. They are more interested in the mysteries of life even though they do not want to discuss it with anybody. They will have a fortunate partner.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Tenth House
As the 7th lord is in the 10th, they will get a devoted and chaste partner who will be a friend philosopher and guide to them contributing immensely to their progress & advancement. They will be pious & enjoy all the comforts of life. Their spouse is actually shrewd & can read between the lines. They will be successful abroad.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Eleventh House
As the 7th lord is in the 11th, the native will gain immensely through marriage. Their spouse may be rich and religious. They have to adjust with their sons. Their spouse may gain a lot of property or may be usefully employed. They gain wealth via their spouse. Since 11th rules the fulfillment of all desires, they will achieve fulfillment of all desires via their spouse.
Effect of Seventh Lord in the Twelfth House
As the 7th lord is in the12th, the native's partner may spend more than what he/she budgets personally & they have to use all their tactics to manage their spouse. They believe in the principle "Economy is Prudence". They are normally gentle and sensitive. Their partner's extravagance is counteracted by their economic prudence. They may lose largesse due to their partner's imprudence.
These (Given Above and Below)are General Guidelines and CANNOT BE APPLIED VERBATIM to any Horoscope and All other Combinations including Divisional Charts should be studied before coming to any Conclusion
Early marriage :
Moon is the core factor in early marriage. Normally, if moon connects with 5th house, it in dicates early marriage. Delay in marriage :
Mars is the planet which causes delay in marriage. This is for those, who are careeristic minded. So, now a days these cases are common. These type of charts show that they do marry, but late. Another planet is Saturn. This planet never causes delay but totally leads to a unmarried life. Love marriage :
1)Love relations can be found out from 2nd and 7th.
2)If 5th house is connected with Venus, denotes many love relations. But a successful love marriage is the result of a good 6th house.
3)If Venus conjuncts with Moon, person will be romantic.
4) Venus - mercury conjunction indicate flucuation in love relation.
5) Venus - Saturn connection denotes single heartedness in love.
6) Moon - Saturn conjunction denotes devoid of love relation and it indicates arranged marrage. Timing of marriage :
Case studies show that marriage happens 90% when transit of Jupiter is on 1st, 7th or 11th house . Of course if there is no indication of delay or unmarried life.
........................ To Be Continued
12 August 2007
For those interested souls who want to know about Kaal-Sarp Yog read the following paragraphs.
First of all to start with, It is a YOG and NOT a DOSH. The word Dosh has been compiled by unscrupulous Astrologers many years back to extract benefits for their vested interests and to create fear among common people. THIS YOG DOES NOT FIND ANY MENTION IN 1) NAARAD PURAAN (The First and foremost Jyotish Script which came even before Brihat Paarashar Hora Shaastr) 2) Brihat Paarashar Hora Shaastr 3) Bhrigu Samhita and in any ancient Vedic Jyotish Scriptures.
Kaal Sarp Yog will be of 12 types based on the positions of Rahu Ketu from 1st House to 12th House, and it will give results based entirely on an individual chart and THERE CANNOT BE ANY GENERALISED PREDICTION ABOUT KAAL-SARP YOG, some Astrolgers say Good things get delayed if there is a Kaal-Sarp Yog, There could be some amount of truth BUT The other thing i.e. Good things happening earlier also is possible because of Kaal-Sarp Yog.
Below all the 12 types of Kaal Sarp Yog are being given BUT AGAIN WITH A CAUTION THAT THE RESULTS MENTIONED CANNOT BE APPLIED VERBATIM AND THEY SHOULD BE STUDIED WITH THE ENTIRE CHART WITH ALL OTHER COMBINATIONS. Generally only negative things are mentioned in the scripts BUT Positive things also do come when a chart is studied correctly in the entirety.
1. Anant Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in Lagna, Ketu in seventh house: The person is prone to be target of conspiracies hatched by people supposedly close to him. The person is likely to lose out on court cases. Married life would be marred by differences between husband and wife.(Not necessary if other positive conditions are present)
2. Kulika Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in second house, Ketu in eighth: This combination is not good for the person’s health.(A very vague and general statement given based on the second house characteristics) Expenses would be more then the income and the financial situation would remain fairly mediocre. He has to struggle a lot in life to achieve something. There some very conflicting results of this Yog.
3. Vasuki Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in third house, Ketu in ninth: The person would have trouble dealing with his brothers and friends.(A very vague and general statement given based on the third house characteristics) Travel to foreign countries would create problems. (There will not be any problems provided some other conditions are present). The person having this combination in his chart should take precautions in deals by paying extra attention towards legal work.
4. Shankapal Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in fourth house, Ketu in tenth: The person with this combination would never be satisfied with his financial situation (No body in this world is satisfied) and would always strive for more. The person is prone to troubles relating to immovable property - e.g. land, houses and modes of conveyance - e.g. cars. (A very vague and general statement given based on the fourth house characteristics)
5. Padma Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in fifth house, Ketu in eleventh: The person would have trouble with children. (A very vague and general statement given based on the fifth house characteristics) The person should never try his luck in lottery, share markets, and anything where speculation is involved. (This again depends on other conditions)
6. Mahapadma Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in sixth house, Ketu in twelfth: The person would not do well in relationships and would have a very pessimistic view of life. (A very vague and general statement given based on the sixth house characteristics)
7. Takshak Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in seventh house, Ketu in first: There is a need for the person to be extra careful in matter relating to married life and business partnerships. (A very vague and general statement given based on the seventh house characteristics)
8. Karkotik Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in eighth house, Ketu in second: The person does not benefit from any paternal property. (Other combinations do exist to counter this effect) There would be a lot of trust issues between the person and his friends. This combination is not good for health and Rahu being in eighth house is usually not considered good as it indicates a sudden and violent death. (A very vague and general statement given based on the eighth house characteristics)
9. Shankhnaad Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in ninth house, Ketu in third: This combination indicates problems from higher authorities, government of the day and local administration in the field of business and commerce. (A general statement)
10. Paatak Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in tenth house, Ketu in fourth: Rahu being in tenth house indicates problem in employment and with higher authorities whom the person would report to during his/her job. (A very vague and general statement given based on the tenth house characteristics)
11. Vishakt Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in eleventh house, Ketu in fifth: This combination indicates a lot of problems between the person and his elder brother. The person would also remain away from his native place throughout his life. The person would be prone to problems like heart trouble, insomnia etc.(Not necessary if the sixth house and the aspects on it are beneficial)
12. Sheshnag Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in twelfth house, Ketu in sixth: The person would be prone to problems from people whom he does not know - mysterious enemies. (A very vague Statement)
There is no logic to the worship of the silver snake couple. Because in the KaalSarp Yoga the Sarp(Snake) names indicate the movement of the Rahu Ketu in the zigzag modes like of a snake. Secondly the Mahamritunjay chant is the Shiv Upasana the worship of lord Shiva, and Rahu-Ketu were the Demons as per ancient Scripts and does not have anything to do with Shiva(Rudra), even otherwise Shiva Upasana is bound to give positive results and effects to anybody, let alone Kaal-Sarp Yog. Thirdly some temples rituals are considers to remove the ill-effects of KaalSarp Yoga but to whom to be worshiped, whereas head is considered Rahu and tail as Ketu. But the basic solution is not considered in the KaalSarp yoga, by properly studying the Charts. This makes the person aghast after going through the above mentioned therapies and makes him depressed.
Om Tat Sat
17 July 2007
Vedic Astrology's Origin and Its Vedic Connections Part II
Vedic Astrology's Origin and Its Vedic Connections Part II
The first pair of Angas, "Siksha" and "Chanda", teach us how to speak the Veda. The second pair, "Nirukta" and "Nyakarana", teach us how to understand the meaning of the Veda. While the third pair, "Kalpana" and "Jyotisa", teach how to use the Veda. Each vedanga is related to a bodily limb. Jyotish is given the epithet "Veda-Chakshus", the eye of the Veda, because it allows us to see through opaque time and to understand how the gunas(Qualities or modes of material nature) are working.
In the Vedas great stress was made on performing sacrifices and other observances at the Correct Time or (Muhurat) in order that such sacrifices and observances bear fruit; this is one area of jurisdiction of the vedanga jyotisa.
As mentioned the purpose of jyotisa, (astrology), is to show us how to use the Vedic knowledge. Let us look at some practical examples of how this could be done. The famous Bhagavad-gita verse ( 2.14) states:
Maatra-Sparshas Tu Kaunteya
Agamapayino Nityas
tams titikshasva Bharata
"O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed."
The concept seems easy to understand when nothing is troubling us. Problems arise, however, when a person is beset by some obstacle or crisis. Then it is a different story because there is a tendency for us to lose our philosophical objectivity. This is where jyotisa (literally "light from God"; jyoti - light, Eesa - God) can help by returning us to a proper philosophical perspective of things. Jyotisa can do this because it deals with time cycles and the science of time in general. Jyotisa can thus inform us when a particular effect will begin to manifest, how long it will last, and when it will depart. This allows one to act wisely, to tolerate the situation without being disturbed.
Without the positive reinforcement from Jyotish experts (Which generally lacks due to vested Interests) one may react in ignorance. Being caught in the temporary grip of a negative situation one may become depressed, desperate or in some other way mentally disturbed. In such a disturbed state of mind one may act in a negative or destructive way which compounds the negative situation one is in. Eventually the negative situation passes as they always do, but then one has to be responsible for one’s foolish behavior while in a disturbed mental state.
It is sure that if one considers one’s own life he/she will recognize situations where it would have helped greatly to know that there was going to be light at the end of the tunnel, even if one couldn't see it before. Perhaps he/she would have acted differently, not out of hopelessness or desperation but out of wisdom and tolerance for one’s present situation.
The Vedas are the storehouse of knowledge, both material and spiritual. But such knowledge aims at perfection of Self-Realisation. In other words, the Vedas are the guides for the civilised man in every respect. Since human life is the opportunity to get free from all material miseries, it is properly guided by the knowledge of the Vedas, in the matters of both material needs and spiritual salvation. The specific intelligent class of men who were devoted particularly to the knowledge of the Vedas were called the vipras, or the graduates of the Vedic knowledge.
Om Tat Sat07 July 2007
Vedic Astrology's Origin and Its Vedic Connections
Jyotish is the science of astronomy and astrology. The Yajur and Rig Vedas have sections attached to them dealing with astronomy, whereas the Atharva Veda has a section dealing with astrology. Aside from the Vedas, many Rishis such as Parasara, Garga, Narada, Sukadeva, Bhrgu, etc., wrote on this science and preserved it in their sampradayas (discipled successions).
There are six branches of astrology: Gola, (Astronomy); Ganita, (Calculations based on planetary position); Jataka, (Birth Horoscope); Prasna, (Answering specific questions); Muhurta, (Choosing a time to start something); and Nimitta, (Omens).
Astrology is essentially a language, a mystical cryptogram created with the Vedas. Each of the planets according to Sri Parasara Muni, father of Veda Vyasa, is intimately connected with one of Lord’s Avatars(Incarnations) and ultimately is a manifestation of that particular Avatar. As any language has parts such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc., astrology is no different except that in this language the parts are planets, signs, houses, aspects, etc. It is the language of time.
The horoscope and the zodiac belt are often referred to in the literature as the Kaala chakr, wheel of time. The horoscope is like a big clock, except that while we are familiar with clocks that have three hands, the horoscopic clock has ten hands made up of the Ascendent, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. And while the clocks of normal experience measure in hours, minutes, and seconds; the hands of the Kaala chakr measure much longer spans of time. A complete cycle of the ten hands from the Lagna (Ascendent) to Ketu take respectively: one day, one year, 27 days, two years, one year, 12 years, one year, 30 years, 18 years, and 18 years. A complex clock indeed - one only the Lord could create.
To create a horoscope requires the exact date, time and place of birth. The reverse is also true; given a chart, a learned astrologer can tell the date, time, and place of birth. This time-keeping feature of astrology is used today in archeology and history to date personalities and events based on recorded horoscopes or other astronomical observations such as eclipses and comets.
Another way to look at astrology is as a sophisticated and systematic science of Laksanas; that is, symptoms or signs. The science of omens or nimitta is directly a branch of astrology. The study of physiognomy or bodily symptoms (laksana) is called Samudrika Sastra, after Samudraraj, the lord of the sea, who, from his vantage point, was able to study the perfect bodily construction of Sri-Sri Laksmi Narayana. Hasta Samudrika, the science of palmistry, is a specialized sub-branch of Samudrika Sastra. It should be remembered that astrology, palmistry, and physiognomy are all intimately related.
Astrology and related subjects are valid sciences applicable to both the divine and mundane sphere because they are non-causal, rather they are symptomatic of higher laws.
To Be Continued ........... Om Tat Sat
14 June 2007
Houses and Their Significance
1. The first House: (The house of Self),
The ascendant, Lagna This is the most important house in the chart and plays an important role right throughout the life of an individual. It represents the physical stature, complexion, form and shape of an individual. The health, vigour, vitality and natural tendencies are controlled by this house. This also represents personality, jest for life, honour, dignity, well being, upper part of the face, longetivity and start in life.
All money matters are governed by this house. Fortune, profits and gains, power and resources, security, material achievements , jewellery, shares, security, speech, eyes, vision, stocks and bonds, precious stones, memory, education, tongue, nose teeth, chin and family are governed by this house. This is also a maraka sthana or a death inflicting house.
The mental intellect and disposition is governed by this house. Courage and the ability to achieve things and complete tasks are represented by this house. Relationships with brothers and sister's , assistance or otherwise from them are also studied from this house. Relations with neighbours, valour, short travels, communications&transport, correspondence, writing, change of residence, contracts, agreements, rumours carrying tales, hands, throat, shoulder blade, collar bones arms and nervous system are some things that this house gives information about
Mother, native place, residence, domestic environment, grave, private affairs, secret life, luxury vehicles, fields, pastures, farms, orchards, mines, buildings, houses, ancestral property, hidden treasure, academic education, wells, water, milk, ponds, lakes etc, are represented by this house
Progeny, whether one will have children or not, of what sex, inclination, recreation, pleasure, artistic talents, entertainment&amusement, sports, excelling in competitive activities likes crosswords, cards, games of chance, gambling or betting, love affairs, ambassadors, good or bad morals, mantra, tantra, religious mindedness, high learning and wisdom, enormus riches, spiritual practices etc are represented by this house.
Types of diseases, whether they will be curable or not, nursing, food, services, employees, sub ordinates or servants, debts, cattle, tenants, jealousy, enemies, maternal uncles, mental anguish are represented by this house
Earthly ties and unions, legal bondage, spouse, partners in business, conjugal life, litigation, influence in foreign countries, success and reputation in foreign travels, dangers in life, Relationship with spouse, gains or losses after marriage, type of spouse and his/ her physical and mental disposition
Longetivity and span of life, inheritance, legacy, wills, insurance, pension, gratuity, accidents, fire or suicide, misery, misfortune, sorrow, strife, worries, disgrace, delay, dejection, disappointment, loss, obstruction, theft and robbery etc are represented by this house
Faith, wisdom, divine worship, pilgrimages, philosophy, fortune, religious disposition, meditation, intuition, sacrifices and charity, father, Preceptor, learning and teaching, dreams and visions, long journeys, air and sea travel, higher education foreign travels, knees.
Honour, dignity, public esteem, power and prestige, credit and recognition received for a task completed, success and staus, rank and renown, respect and fame, ambition, authority, permanency in job, promotion, advancememt in Job, appointments. Government, political power, high posts such as President etc, last rites to parents, honour from Government etc.
Friends, soceity, community, favorites, ambitions and wish fullfillment, gain of wealth, success in undertakings, incoming wealth, prosperity, elder brothers, recovery from illness, dawn of fortune, ankles
Losses and impediments, restraint and limitation, waste and extravagance, expenses whether good or bad, deception, investmets and donations, charity, misery and misfortune, sorrow and sin, secret ememies, involvement in scandals, disgrace and insults, secret sorrows. Sucess through occult affairs, the feet , left eye, left ear, bed pleasures, life and activities in foreign places Added to the house, the placement of planets, their lord and their placement in various houses are studied for an accurate analysis. There are various charts that are drawn to arrive at a correct conclusion.
Om Tat Sat
24 May 2007
Easy Methods to Reduce the Malefic Effects of Shani/Saturn for ALL
- There are some easy methods to appease Shani/Saturn and thus reduce its Malefic Effects. These can be followed by anybody, irrespective of Saturn or Shani's position in Birth Chart or its Dasha
1. Avoid wearing Black Clothes on Saturdays.
2. Avoid Purchase of IRON Articles(Not Stainless Steel), Edible Oils, Sesame Seeds and Black Gram on Saturdays.
3. Donate IRON(Not Stainless Steel) Articles(Ex Tools etc), Edible Oils, Sesame Seeds and Black Gram on Saturdays to Poor and Needy People.
4. Avoid Oily Food on Saturdays.
5. Recite the Shani Mantra 108 Times on all Saturdays. (Given at the beginning of the Previous Entry in this Blog) being reproduced below.
"Neelanjana Samaabhaasham RaviPutram Yamaagrajam
Chaaya Maartanda Sambhootam Tam Namami Shanaishcharam"
6. Tie a Plain Black Cotton Sring on the Arm or Waist with 8 Knots on it on Saturday and Dress should be such that it is not visible to others.
Stay Blessed
17 May 2007
Practical and Useful Details of Saade Sati of Shani or Saturn
Details of Saade Sati (7&1/2 Yrs Cycle of Shani/Saturn)
Neelaanjana SamaaBhaasham RaviPutram YamaaGrajam
Chaayaa Maartanda Sambhootam Tam Namaami Shanaishcharam
Saade Sati is the phase when planet Shani/Saturn, enters the 12th from the Moon Sign, Stays in the Moon Sign & in the sign next to Moon sign of the native, till it exits the second sign from the Moon sign. This whole period is a journey of 7 ½ years, as Saturn takes 2 ½ years to travel each sign, as one revolution of Shani/Saturn around the Sun takes 30 Years, so it will stay in a 30˚ slot or in one house for a period of 21/2 years.
In Vedic Scripts such as Puranas and Shastras, Saturn or Shani has been associated to be highly malefic, than all other malefic planets. So, Saturn’s phase of “Saade Sati” has to be related to any malefic results. Most contemporary astrologers say, that the native who is running through Saade Sati, will earn defamation, ill luck & failures in all spheres of life. The health will suffer; there will be additional expenses, which might even ruin the subject concerned, which may not always be true and this needs to be seen and analysed with respect to the functional position of Saturn in the given chart.
Another combination which has come up, is “Dhaiya”, meaning “Two & half”. This means Shani/Saturn’s position in Kendras/Angles(1,4,7,10) from Moon Sign during Transits. As I said that Saturn travels each sign of zodiac for 2 ½ years, so when Saturn occupies Kendras (1, 4, 7, 10) from Moon sign, one is said to suffer from such phenomenon. Saturn’s aspects are 3,7,10 from the sign it’s placed, so if Saturn is posted in any of the Kendras, he will be either aspecting the Moon sign or be posted in the Moon sign, thus bringing distress to the native.
Saturn -Its origin & the fright created as per Scripts
Some instances from Scripts :-
It is said that once, Samjgya, wife of Sun, could not bear the fierce rays of Sun & so she turned herself into Shadow (Chaaya). Sun, knowingly, mated with her & gave birth to a dark coloured son. As soon as he was born, Sun went into eclipse. When Sun was reported about the birth of his Son, considered him to be illegitimate & didn’t accept him as his son.
Saturn is lord of basal things & metals in this world. All these scriptural references and many other such references have created a “BAD” impression about Saturn/ Shani which actually is not the case.
Prediction of Events : Dasha Results & Transits
Never has any astrologer said that the results of Transits have to supersede the Dasha results. Rather, the Transits are given lesser importance for predicting events. Not only that, the transit of a single planet should never be judged alone, but other relevant details must be kept in mind before coming into a conclusion.
It is known to all, that during Transit (Gochara), the odd results due to Transit of any planet will minimise if there is Chandra Shuddhi. Rather, one will say that good results will be felt due to that transit. In the Ancient Classics, it is said, that since the Transits give results according to the Moon sign of the native, so if the Moon during the Transit is beneficial for the native, then definitely, the good results will be felt, even if the placement is ominous.
Again, good results will be felt, if during Transits, the Natal Moon sign is aspected by a benefic. So, before coming into conclusion about Saade Sati, one should see that whether during Transits, there was Chandra Shuddhi or whether Natal Moon receives benefic aspects. If any of them clicks, then definitely, the results will be good, even if it is case of Saade Sati. Again Vedas should be seen before drawing any conclusion.
As per Ashtavarga, from Jataka Parijaata and Brihat Parashara Hora Shaastra, the results of Transits may even change.
Again, if planets are well placed in the Natal Birth Chart, then the results of transits of concerned planets will be good. Same rule gets applied for Saade Sati.
Not withstanding that, if the Lagna & Lagna Lord, 9th house & its Lord, 10th house & its Lord & Atmakarak are strong in Natal Chart, or creating Raj yogas, while a good Dasha is going on, then definitely, the Saade Sati, will hardly have any bad results to give.
Many practical examples can be given from which it will be quite obvious that results of Dasha-Antardasha(Bhukti) are primary, while results of Transits should be analysed properly, before drawing any conclusion.
Lord Narayan takes the form of nine planets & we experience the results of the good & bad periods through Dashas-Antardashas(Bhuktis) only, which might slightly alter due to Transits. So, “THERE IS NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT SAADE-SATI RESULTS”. Take proper remedies after a thorough analysis from a good Astrologer.
20 April 2007
Importance of the Picture of Lord Ganesh sitting in the lap of Goddess Lakshmi

The Importance of the Picture of Lord Ganesh sitting in the lap of Goddess Lakshmi as it is Posted on this page is as follows:
Lord Ganesh is well known as "Vighna Vinaashak" or The Remover of Obstacles and Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of Wealth. Thus what the picture emphasises is that the Goddess of Wealth keeps the God "Vighna Vinaashak" or Obstacle Remover under her control, and generally the Obstacles in obtaining a free flow of Wealth are removed. This photo should Ideally be kept at the place of Worship and The following Mantr should be recited everyday :
"Om Sreem Hreem Kleem Glaum Glam Ganapataye Vara Varada Sarva Janamme Vasa Maanaya Swaaha"
The actual requirement of reciting this Mantr is atleast 1,25,000 times, but it has been seen Practically that IT DOES GIVE EFFECT when chanted with Devotion any number of times (A minimum of 108 times) everyday.
Those who keep this photo and recite the Mantr Never fall short for Money.
May Everybody Prosper
Astrological Influence and Use of Gems/Stones Part - VIII
to mitigate the evil effects of Rahu and Ketu during Mahadasha of these two planets, and also if they happen to be in Ascendent/Lagna in Exalted state. The general rules for recommending these gems are as given.
The General Indications for recommending these gems are:-
(1)In the Mahadasha of Rahu or Ketu.
(2)When Rahu and/ Ketu are in Ascendent/Lagna AND are Simultaneously in Exalted state, or in auspicious places and aspected or conjuncted with functional malefics of Horoscope (the lords of 6/8/12 houses).
For every Ascendent/Lagna the auspicious places of Rahu and Ketu in the chart are mentioned in the table below, that is the House numbers in the Chart, when the data matches with that of the Individual chart the relevant Stone can be recommended.
Auspicious Places of Rahu
Auspicious places of Ketu
Gomedh or Hessonite should be set in Silver and Worn in the Middle Finger of Left Hand. The weight should be 6 carats. The gem to be worn on Saturday noon or midnight.
Cat’s eye to be worn on Saturday and should be set in silver and should be worn in the ring finger. The weight should be 5 carats.
This brings to End the Series on Astrological Influence and Use of Gems/Stones
Om Tat Sat
Astrological Influence and Use of Gems/Stones Part - VII
The Lord of Blue Sapphire is Saturn/Shani and this gem is typically sensitive like its Lord. This gem should be recommended with many precautions and after extremely careful analysis. If it does not suit somebody, it may turn a rich into a pauper within a night and vice-versa. Neelam or Blue Sapphire is given to strengthen Saturn/Shani or to mitigate the evil effects of it. This gem is also expensive. The general indications for recommending Neelam are mentioned below, after which, its suitability with each Ascendent/Lagna are mentioned.
The indications in general for recommending Neelam are:-
(1)For Aquarius or Capricorn Ascendant,
(2)Being a benefic, Saturn is retrograde and situated in Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Capricorn signs,
(3)Being a benefic Saturn is posted in Aries.
The suitability of this gem with each Ascendent/Lagna are as mentioned.
1. Aries/Mesh –When in 2/4/5/7/9/10 houses from Ascendent/Lagna, then only this gem is recommended.
2. Taurus/Vrishabh –This gem is highly recommended.
3. Gemini/Mithun –It is recommended during the major period of Saturn when Saturn is in own sign or debilitated.
4. Cancer/Kark –Not recommended.
5. Leo/Simh –Not recommended.
6. Virgo/Kanya –Same as for Gemini.
7. Libra/Tula –Highly recommended with diamond or emerald.
8. Scorpio/Vrishchik – Not recommended .
9. Sagittarius/Dhanu – Not recommended .
10. Capricorn/Makar –Its usage with emerald or diamond will be more beneficial, else it is good.
11. Aquarius/Kumbh –It is always recommended for this Ascendent/Lagna.
12. Pisces/Meen –Not recommended at all.
Rules for wearing this gem: -
The gem being a sensitive one should be tested for a trial period of 10 days, by keeping it wrapped in a blue cloth and keeping it in pocket and under the pillow at night. If inauspicious things take place, then it should not be worn. During the trial period don’t wear it directly. The weight should be 4 or 5 carats and should be set in Gold or Ashtadhatu (a mixture of 8 different kind of metals). The gem should be worn on the 2nd /Middle finger, on a Saturday after propitiating Lord Saturn/Shani after 8 hours from Sunrise and before 9 hours from Sunrise.
There will be other factors also in the Chart which should be considered before recommending this Gem and for that matter other Gems also.
To Be Continued ....