18 September 2011

Reterogrades in Transit - An Overall Analytical View

Even if one does not have natal planets in retrograde, one can still experience them during their retrograde transit. They can temporarily block the elements and create problems in the subconscious if we are not aware of them. The two most difficult retrogrades are Mercury and Saturn. Mercury as it happens so often and Saturn as it can transit over one point of the chart again and again; and create lots of problems. It is important to know retrogression of planets in a given year. The retrograde motion of one's dasha ruler can change the direction of events. Retrogrades indicate a concentration of energy in the part of the zodiac where they are active. If one has planets in that area then they will have major impact which could be both positive or negative depending on the overall chart status. Retrogrades make life appear to be stuck either for good or bad, or sometimes neither moving forward or backward.

Saturn and Jupiter retrograde once a year.

Mars and Venus once every two years.

Mercury retrogrades at least three times a year.

While analysing the transit effect of the retrograde planets remember the following:

One should be aware of Mercury retrograde. They are stress points in the year. Mercury retrograde creates communication problems and makes life uncomfortable. Stress, arguments, delayed journeys - all can make life troublesome during the Mercury retrograde. So do problems with computers, Internet, and other technologies. Double check all appointments, travel programme and journeys- remember not to stop your life. Decisions made during Mercury retrograde can be changed after it goes direct. Stress levels can climb sky high. Arguments can result from crossed wires. Mercury retrogrades at least 3 times a year so its awareness has a huge say in the quality of one's life. Gemini and Virgo need to be doubly conscious, it will make their life a lot easier.

If a natal planet is on the same degree as Saturn stations, then we should expect that to be a major issue to contend with. This becomes even more important during difficult Saturn transits like Sade Sati, which is itself a troublesome transit(Exceptions are there for this as it could be positive for some). Saturn stationing over the exact degree of the Moon will bring untold mental stress. The house rulership and placement of the Moon will show where the problem is about. Also Saturn can transit over the same point three times, which concentrates the energy of its difficult influence.

The stationary points of Jupiter can positively enhance good qualities. It can make people think in wrong ways. Or encourage the possibility of getting wrong advice. Traditionally in India, marriage, auspicious events and new ventures are not planned when Jupiter is retrograde.

The stationary points of Mars. This can lead to war or aggressive tendencies. Mars retrograde can increase stubbornness and can herald a time for war. The impact on dasha, antar and prayantara dasha rulers. Past issues can become dominant. There can be a change in the direction of life. When your Lagna ruler retrogrades, it will have a major impact on your inner self. Venus retrograde indicates a focus on past relationships. Venus brings problems with relationships. It is not a good time to marry

14 January 2011

Saturn Retrogression

A humble submission is not to apply any article on "Jyotish" to any chart in a verbatim-manner instead the chart should be read in totality.

Saturn retrogrades usually do not know when to stop working. Or they may not like work at all. As Saturn is the karaka of misery, it is important that one must not give into a negative attitude to life and embrace depression as a habit. Saturn is usually depicted as the poor man. The poor(This is a relative term) are usually hungry - for food, for material goods, for good things in life. Saturn retrogression can make individuals hungry with desire, wanting more and more even when the hunger has been appeased and they may be materially very well off. They need to watch for greed. Saturn rules Vayu element. Vayu is air and Vayu needs to be used constructively otherwise it can become unnecessarily be destructive. Retrogrades do not know how to use their energy so if they do not take care, Saturn can become destructive force for them.

This retrogression period can cause unexpected delays and interruptions. Obstacles unthought can spring up taking your priority. The period usually lasts for 4 and half months, during which many feel frustrated and unable to handle hurdles. This is the right time to sit back and reconsider all that one is doing. Its not a proper time to make new starts, but rather learn from the failures in the past and the ones in hand. In individual horoscope, the house that occupied by Saturn will see the effect of retrogression, i.e. that aspect of the life will get affected, along with the general benefic/malefic effect.

Persons with Saturn Retrograde in their birth charts do not like to be known in public, they find security in intellectuals or spirituals. They easily yield to external influences. They appear shy, uneasy, introvert, lacking in self assertion or attempt to cover their lapse with the pretext of arrogance. They feel alone, isolated, separated from their friends and are seldom understood and very reserved.

Some salient aspects of Saturn retrogression are

1) Individual feels they're never good enough inside( It could be a false alarm)
2) Indulgent outward behavior may mask inner feelings of inadequacy
3) Hides fears

Saturn deals with karma, limits, responsibility, tradition, conservativeness, authorities, long term goals and accomplishments patiently created, taking responsibility, creating structure, and setting boundaries. Once a year the planet Saturn goes into retrograde for about four-and-a-half months. During this influence, one will probably find it unwise to attempt sudden changes or to rush through things. We must take practical steps and accept limitations while we take serious steps toward our long term goals. Saturn retrograde can cause oneself to become our own hardest taskmaster, limiting our actions or leave oneself feeling blocked and pessimistic. .

Saturn retrograde in one's natal chart, indicates that one is likely to have been abused by those with power over oneself, perhaps having faced unfair situations at home. One may need to declare personal boundaries, to work out conflicts with authority on a karmic scale. One could feel that fate conspires against one's desires but it’s really oneself putting the brakes on, through feelings of persecution or inhibition in the house where it is placed until we work out how to face doing or confronting whoever or whatever it is that threatens us. Our lesson is one of patience and steady application of hard work as we overcome the impatient urge to cut corners. Everything we gain will be hard won but we will eventually succeed, win the respect of others and actually can shine where we faced difficulties before.