In Vedic astrology there are methods which especially in this age of computers can give a quick insight in the state of planets and houses. One such method is explained here. This is the method of Shadbala. It gives a value to each planet. The more points a planet gets in Shadbala the stronger it is. It is important to have some insight in how the Shadbala value is calculated. The understanding of the concept of “Shadbala” is obviously more important than actually calculating it. Further you can employ some methods to calculate the values of “Shadbalas”.Only if you know the method followed by this system of calculation you can have an opinion about the value of it. There are slight variances on how Shadbala is calculated. The method of the late B.V. Raman as explained in his book `graha and bhava balas', is by far the most accurate.
It is possible that other astrologers in the future will develop their own version of Shadbala. New and innovative approaches are always welcome. However, before we can develop something new we should exactly know What are the Basics and how the traditional system works.
Sthana means place or position. We start with calculating the sthana bala of a planet. This is the positional strength of a planet. Sthana Bala consists of five components: Under “Sthana Bala” there are further 4 types of “Balas’
(a) The first one is called Oocha Bala. “Oocha” means Exaltation.All planets have exact degrees of exaltation. Like the Moon is exalted at 3 degrees Taurus. When a planet occupies it exact degree of exaltation the planet gets 60 Shashtiamsas (Shashtiamsas are points). When it occupies the opposite point, its exact point of fall, it does not get any Shashtiamsas. Of course most of the time a planet will occupy a position somewhere in between these points. In that case the points that it will get will be calculated according to its position from the point of exaltation and fall.
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